Billy Robin and his All Stars performing Terry Riley's In C at 2:30am, Music Marathon 2009
2. Post about it! Everyone who reads about this has a blog, twitter, whatever. Link to our website or this post, tell people to donate, hype it up. I can guarantee we will have some really excellent performers and performances this year--we already have a number of faculty booked for our final two-hour chamber music blowout, featuring Marlboro-style collaboration between students and teachers.
3. Perform! You can register to perform on our website if you are interested, and pledge your $100.
4. Use your connections. A lot of you guys write for major newspapers, magazines, etc. Some of you work for radio stations. Write us up! We're really interesting to talk to in interview and I'm excellent at providing sound bites. My email is if you want to get in contact. Last year Bryant Manning wrote a brilliant preview in Time Out Chicago that helped galvanize donors and fill the hall.
That's all for now. I leave you with a video from The People's Music School, describing how they do it.
Classical music has a lot to learn
5 days ago
Ahem, the idea started earlier this century, and stopped around 2005. The MSM covered the final one to the best of its abilities.
Odd that it took place at NU with people I know but I've never heard of it before...Either way, ours is about 18 hours longer plus it's a fundraiser, although I guess new music is kind of a nonprofit unto itself.